Hike and tree top walk at MacRitchie reservoir

Hike a day at MacRitchie reservoir!

Though space is limited on this island, Singapore has many interesting parks and reservoirs for visit and hiking… East-Coast park, the Southern Ridges,  Bukit Timah nature reserve, MacRitchie Nature reserve and more… Today i went to the Mac-Ritchie reservoir… For a really great hike, the nature views and the Tree Top Walk… At the MacRitchie reservoir there are 5 standard routes to select, from easy to difficult… Route distances 3 till 11 kilometers, which take you about 1 to 5 hours to complete… As I wanted to see most of the reservoir i decided to follow the longest, yellow route… However i included the treetop walk in it, which is the blue and orange route… The start at Lornie road the followed the yellow route from the right… Counter clockwise…

Beautiful view over the lake, seems they row here too… At this beginning there is a restaurant where you can eat and drink… Then after some steps with view over the lake the trail begins… Just begin to follow the sign “Tree Top Walk” 4.4 kilometersHeading into the jungle on the path of sand and small stones… Amazing, on an island city of millions quickly the area gives the feeling being in a large distant jungle… No city sounds… First inhabitant i encountered was a reptile… Though it kept an eye on me it even was not frightened at all…

After the first kilometer was completed, noticed a wooden stair on the left going down… A beautiful stream there, lovely sight… Back on the path encountered a busy monkey family … Walking and jumping everywhere around… No feed and no touching though… They are curious animals but they kept a distance… There are few places to rest at the path… With temperatures of 33*C those places are very convenient… Following the tree Top walk sign it leads to the Ranger station too… Toilets, fresh, free and cool drinking water… Excellent place to fill the empty water bottle and some squirrels come to say hello…

Now  we are 200 meters distance from the Tree Top Walk… One of our main reasons to come here… The Tree Top walk is in a no Entry zone… Naturally you allowed to follow the path that leads to the 250 meters long foot bridge over the no-entry zone… A friendly officer is there to make certain to limit the amount of people at same time on this bridge… You feel the bridge moving with each step… The entrance to the bridge closes at 4.45 pm… A really fantastic view over the area on this one way bridge… Oh One way? These monkey’s think different about their bridge… Monkey’s are Passing at only 5 centimeters distance…

At end of the bridge a wooden paved path downwards and over waterplanes… The Jelutong tower at the end of that part nice to climb up and take a peek over the area… About 4.5 Kilometers to walk back from this point… Easy walk next to the Singapore golf court and next to the lake… Still surprising and beautiful… Small reptiles run away regular and somebody keeping guard in the water…. They can be up to  1.5 to 3 meters long…

Arriving at the end/beginning of the route at the MacRitchie Reservoir a cold drink and a meal at the refreshment place is a pleasure… Then a short walk back to the bus station at Lornie road. If you want to make this trip plan the time carefully.. The park opens at 9 am and closes at 5 pm and is closed on Monday…

Travel to MacRitchie Reservoir: Toa Payoh mrt, then Bus 157, Bus stop Lornie road

Check here for: MacRictchie reservoir map..

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Continue hiking in Singapore on: the Southern Ridges- Part2

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